Water Walking Faith
Jan 01, 2025
Recently a friend shared this picture with me that she took during a cruise as the sun came up. The first thing that came to mind was Yah's word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). But then, Peter came to mind, and I wondered if there was a path like this shining on the water when he got out of the boat to walk the water to Jesus.
As I pondered this question, the Holy Spirit led me to go re-read the text. So, I headed over to Matthew 14:22-33, and this passage blessed my life all over again. Now, I don't assume that everyone reading this message today knows the story, so I'm going to paraphrase it a bit for you.
The Bible said that the boat Peter and the other disciples were in was a long distance from the shore and had been tossed and battered by the waves. So, I'm sure Peter and the other disciples were wide awake and distressed. Then Jesus, who had been on the mountain praying, came walking on the water from the shore toward the boat. Tired and unsure if their eyes were deceiving them, the disciples feared the image coming toward them. Jesus then tells the disciples, "Don't be afraid. It's just me." Then Peter says, "Ok, if it's really you, then let me be like you and walk water too." Jesus said, "Alright, well, come on."
Peter climbed out of the boat and began walking to Jesus, and just when he thought he had the hang of things, the winds began to blow. Distracted by what they had been facing all night, Peter starts to sink and does the only thing he can think of: cry out to Jesus for help. Jesus reaches out his hand and helps Peter up, asking him why did he doubt.
Although there is so much to unpack in this passage, there are three key things that I want to point out for those who are currently operating in water-walking faith.
The first thing I want to point out is that when this event occurred in Peter's life, his vessel had already been tossed and battered by the waves. Nevertheless, when offered the opportunity to be more like Jesus, he was willing to leave behind the comforts of the ship he knew to do with Christ what was impossible to others.
The second thing I want to share is that when you are walking water in faith, something will always try to creep up and distract you from the mission at hand. Most often, it triggers a bad memory or experience from the last time you encountered "that very thing." Its goal is to remind you of why you're "not qualified" to do the very thing that Yah has called you to do. Nevertheless, I want you to remember that if Yah told you to do it, He will provide everything you need to see the assignment through.
The last thing I want to remind you is that no matter how it looks, you are closer than you think. And if for some reason you feel like you can't go on, our heavenly father is right there to catch and help you up. Peter, by faith, walked that water to the point that he was so close to Jesus. All Jesus had to do was extend his hand, not his arm his hand, to catch Peter. I reiterate, don't give up. You are closer than you think.
I hope this has been an encouragement to you today. As always, I thank you for stopping by. Please be sure to share this message with someone else who may need a "pick me up" on this journey.
Until next time, be safe and be well
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